About Us & FAQs — Hamilton County Kids Coats


To partner with local communities to provide coats and winter wear for families and connect those families to community resources, opportunities, and support near where they live.


Hamilton County Kids Coats now has 7 partner churches including our founder Carmel United Methodist Church. We give out the winter coats and winter wear in the late fall at distributions sponsored by local churches in Carmel, Fishers, Sheridan, Arcadia, Noblesville, and Westfield. We continue to serve families until the end of winter at the Merciful HELP Center.  Together, we work year round to better meet the winter wear needs of families in our county. CLICK HERE TO SEE ALL OF OUR LOCATIONS


At the suggestion of Nancy Chance, Director of the Good Samaritan Network, three women from Carmel United Methodist Church (CUMC) started Hamilton County Kids Coats in 2004. That year, all the volunteers and coat donations were from church members and the entire event was funded by the CUMC United Methodist Women and the Good Samaritan Network. With coat racks borrowed from the Salvation Army, we served just over 200 people. We have grown every year since then! In 2018, Carmel UMC launched us as a non-profit so we would be more equipped to grow into our mission. We are now a year-round coat ministry with partners all over the county. Last year, we gave out new and gently-used coats and winter wear to 3,380 children and their families.


You can make a positive, life-affirming difference in the lives of others by reaching out to lend a helping hand! We collect donations all over Hamilton County at schools, churches, libraries, and businesses. Find out how EASY it is to organize your own drive to collect coats, hats, gloves, mittens, boots, scarves, snow pants in all sizes. Click COLLECT COATS to find out more!

You can also make a difference in helping communicate Coat Appointment Signups to families in your community. You can PRINT FLYERS and hand them out in your community in the Fall by putting up flyers in: apartment laundry rooms, employee announcement boards at restaurants. Or you can link our website or FB page to online community websites.

This year, more than 800 families will make appointments to receive a winter coat at one of our six giveaway sites in late October & early November. We don't stop there! We continue to help families stay warm through the end of winter. BE A VOLUNTEER at our outreach at the Merciful HELP Center from December-February. Help us sort donations on Mondays at our warehouse. We can use your help! 

Monetary donations help us do what we do! DONATE $ or COATS Your monetary donations help defray the cost of warehousing, cleaning, repairing, and distributing the coats and winter wear county-wide. We bring coat racks, hangers, inventory, and supplies to each distribution site. All these things cost money — including buying coats to fill out our inventory so we have the right numbers for each size. — No matter how you give, whether it be outgrown coats, time, talent, or resources, your giving matters! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

For more information email us at info@kidscoats.org or to talk with a real person, call 317-324-8818.


contact us


How do I get a coat for my child?
Online Appointment sign-ups for the November Giveaways begin August 1 of every year. DEADLINE for online registration is October 15. If you miss registration, you can still get a coat until the end of winter at the Merciful HELP Center - you will need an appointment.

We have IN-PERSON shopping experiences as well as coat PICK-UP experiences in October & November.
The difference is the time. For shopping in-person, please plan for 1 hour. You will need to bring yourself and your child/children so you can try on the coats to make sure they fit. For coat pick-up, it will only take 15 minutes, but you will need to measure for right size prior to ordering.

I cannot make it to any of the November Giveaways.  Can my child still get a coat?
YES!  If you miss our Fall events, you may come to the Merciful HELP Center until the end of winter. Starting in 2022, all Merciful HELP visitors will need a coat appointment: MAKE AN APPOINTMENT

Can I get a coat too?
Yes. Adults aged 20 and older also can receive coats during walk-in times after the kids have shopped or at the Merciful HELP Center.

What if I don't live in Hamilton County, IN?
Click to check out other resources

How do I donate coats?
Our website has an a lot of materials for those who are interested in collecting coats for us. Find out more about collecting coats by clicking this link: COLLECT COATS. We do not exist without your generous donations!  WE ESPECIALLY NEED ADULT-SIZED COATS. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email info@kidscoats.org or call 317-324-8818.

Where do I donate coats?
Donations are collected YEAR ROUND at Carmel United Methodist Church and the Merciful HELP Center and various other locations during the year. See our DONATION PAGE to see who is collecting for us now.

If you have questions or can’t drop off donations, please contact info@kidscoats.org or call 317-324-8818.