Collect Coats — Hamilton County Kids Coats


You can make a positive, life-affirming difference in the lives of others by reaching out to lend a helping hand!  IT'S EASY to collect donations of  hats, gloves, mittens, boots, and coats by using the fillable and printable posters below.

We collect donations all over Hamilton County at schools, churches, libraries, businesses, and in neighborhood communities. YOU CAN DO IT TOO! Just fill out the forms below and distribute online digitally or print, cut and distribute flyers to homes on your street — We’ve got printables so you can personalize your coat drive.

We need ALL SIZES infant to adult 5XL! Collect clean, gently-used coats, mittens, gloves, hats, snowpants, and boots. We give out your collected coats to Hamilton County kids every October and November! We gently ask that donors DO NOT GO TO GOODWILL to purchase donations. The families we serve shop at Goodwill and it is important that we leave that inventory intact.  If you would like to purchase a coat, garage sales or year-end sales are the best places to buy coats and winter wear.

DID YOU KNOW? Winter coats go on clearance in the stores starting in January and are on SUPER clearance by early February and are completely out of the stores by March 1.

YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE TO A LOT OF PEOPLE!  When you have outgrown last year's winter coat, wash it and DONATE IT!  Your donations are the key to our success! Ask all of your friends and co-workers to do the same thing and have a collection!

How To Get Started Collecting COATS & OTHER WINTER WEAR:

1. Decide what kind of drive you will be doing. Neighborhood? Office? School? Church?

2. Communicate your collection drive.  Customize & print out these easy-to-use flyers!

3. If you would like to print off flyers advertising APPOINTMENT SIGN-UP opportunities, click FLYERS

Click to Contact us with any questions.